At Urban Wellness Float, we are proud to introduce a unique Floatation experience to our customers. We are passionate about helping you make empowered choices towards your own health and well-being and offer you the perfect place to relax, reset and restore at our purpose built Float Room, the first one in Scotland.

Have you spotted out new photos across the website and on our social media posts?
Special thanks to award-winning Beth, of "Beth Hopkins Photography" and the world famous "Floofs and Snoots".
Beth really did amazing work against really difficult conditions inside the Float Room.
Please take a minute to check out Beth's work, and if you love animals, take a look at Floofs and Snoots.

Floating gives your body the ultimate chance to relax, reset and restore. By creating a weightless environment (think zero gravity), you are letting your body release tension and find its own optimal alignment. Our Float Room is light-proof and sound-proof that gives you stress-free down time and space to unwind, so whether you are a regular or one time floater, research shows that floating will benefit your health in both a proactive and reactive way.
The Floatation Room experience is truly "like nothing on earth", it is the most pure, natural state of awareness and profoundly deep relaxation.
Below are some of the benefits for the Body, the Mind & the Spirit.
Relief from physical pain
Alleviates physical stresses on the body & gives it a recharge
Decreases cortisol -
the stress hormone
Aids sleep & combats jet lag
Boosts immunity
Calms the nervous system - think ‘Body Reset’
Heightens senses - such as increased visual acuity, increased taste palette and auditory changes
Increases Endorphins -
your ‘happy’ hormone
Brings deep relaxation
Stimulates the balance and left brain/right brain synchronisation
Brings you from day to day ‘beta wave’ brain state through alpha waves into ‘theta state’ (which is the zone between awake and asleep)
Enhances mental clarity
Boosts motivation
Fantastic for deepening meditation practise
Increases creativity
Heightens visualisation
Removes all external distractions & stresses
Yoga class, therapy treatment & float session combined - Think the Ultimate Zen Zone & we can take no responsibility for you feeling like you are on a different planet for days!
Aids quicker muscle recovery - ideal pre and post events & injury recovery
Facilitates in enhanced physical performance
Heightens senses
Mental clarity & focus
Aids visualisation/sports performance techniques
Improves oxygen circulation
Reduces body fatigue and cortisol levels
A pro active health care tool, to help reduce sporting injuries, aches and pains
Reduces lactic acid build up
Used globally to both reduce & give relief from Fibromyalgia, Arthritic Pain and more
Speeds up injury recovery
Soothes muscle pain
Decrease the production of Adrenaline, Cortisol, Lactic Acid & ACTH
Improves circulation
Research has proven it has a significant effect on anxiety
Relieves pregnancy pains
With the outside sensory reduction (i.e. the time out away from everything) it will heighten connection with your body and baby
Reduces stress in the mumma (keeps the hormones balanced for both mum and baby)
Gives you the experience of floating in the womb as your baby is doing with you (again creating the mother and baby bond)
Use the float tank session to practise a visualisation, hypno-birthing routine or deepen a birthing meditation
Floatation; also known as Floating or R.E.S.T. (Restricted Environment Stimulus Therapy), Isolation tank and Sensory Deprivation, is a therapy whereby you float safely, comfortably and effortlessly in 10” of magnesium Epsom salts, within a spacious Float Room. The salts give the water its buoyancy, so your body can float with ease... Imagine no noise interference, social media or people distractions just complete peace from the outside world.
Do you have questions about Floating and what your first float experience will be like? We have put together some FAQS which will help answer the most commonly asked questions.