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  • Writer's pictureUrban Wellness Float

Heads-Up: we are reopening soon

Following the recent updates from Holyrood, we shall be reopening the Urban Wellness Hub and Scotland's only Float Room, 1st May.


What We’re Up To

This notification is simply a heads-up that we shall be opening up our booking system for Float clients very soon. The first bookings will probably be Saturday 1st May. We do plan on sending an email to our clients once the booking system is open. So if you do fancy a Float and have unused vouchers or Float credits to use, please get yourself booked in when the email arrives.


2019 Gift Vouchers

During 2020 we honoured every Float Voucher and unused Float credit by extending the expiry date for everyone. We promised that no one will lose a Float because of an expiry date. We still stand by our promise. Given the recent CV-19 updates, anyone who still has unused Gift Vouchers or Float credits from 2019, we kindly request those be used before July 2021.

If for whatever reason you still cannot use your 2019 Float credit, please get in touch. Alternatively, see below for a suggestion on how you can benefit others.


Float Bank (Gifting it Forward)

Over the last 2 years, many people kindly donated Float Vouchers to gift to others who would get significant benefits from Float Therapy. The majority of the gifted vouchers went to people with MS, Arthritis and PTSD.

When we reopen, we would welcome any donations of unused Float Vouchers or unused Float credits from 2019 or 2020 which we can pass on to others.

During the last 2 years, the Ross family have donated over 100 Float sessions to charity groups, good causes and individuals, and we loved to get positive feedback from those who benefited from the experience.

We also plan on featuring donations on the website and social media, as it's not something we broadcasted before but have been advised we should do, to make people aware of the conditions Floating is particularly good for.


Epsom Salts helps sleep - True or false?

Don't know if you managed to catch this Blog article we published in the Aberdeen & Grampian Chamber of Commerce? Click on picture below to open the Blog article.

Old fish wives tale or not? - check it out !!!


We look forward to welcoming you back to Urban Wellness Float very, very soon.

Nigel, Linda, Emma, Morag and Fiona

Urban Wellness Float Family


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